Monday, August 30, 2010


The accommodations here must have recently been upgraded b/c the pics on the website show something totally different. I had a room all to myself (except for the many dogs that joined me nightly.) My queen-sized bed was very comfortable and I had a large mosquito net that I didn't get tangled up in and pull down - not even once! Eight of us shared the one bathroom but there was never a traffic jam b/c most of the time the water didn't work. There were other showers downstairs, so it all worked out.

There is a very large Gecko that I never saw, but every night at sundown he made this incredibly loud noise that actually sounded like the word Gecko. It was neat.

When I lived in AZ we had Cicadas. They were cricket-sized and ugly and when in groups they made a low kind of humming, buzzing sound. I only saw one and they never bothered me. HOWEVER, there is a Cicada here that makes an incredibly loud buzz. It actually sounds like an airplane coming in for a landing. Or like we're about to blow a transformer. The first night I heard it I was tempted to take cover under the bed, but there were 3 dogs under there already.

I slept very well, it's quiet there at night except for the occasional trumpet from one of the elephants. I loved hearing that, it made me smile, even in my sleep. The last two nights Star, a sweet black and white dog, slept on my bed w/me. He must have known I was getting lonely b/c right around bed time he would be on my heels. One night I was late getting to bed and he was waiting outside my door.

The view from my bedroom window.

Star, my little shadow. He always stayed right down there in the corner. Was nice to have him there.

A few of many visitors I had each nite.
Bless them for upgrading from squat toilets to these, but the sprayer thing is still beyond me.
I have to admit, this took some getting used to.

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