Sunday, August 22, 2010

Here a dog, there a dog . . . .

. . . . .everywhere a dog, dog.

As I've mentioned before, dogs here are not really pets. More like, um, fixtures? Everywhere you look there are dogs hanging out in the street. They pretty much stay near their homes. They don't run in packs. I've never had one be aggressive to me. Most of the females I've seen so far look like they have pups or recently did, and all of the males are intact.

But the most interesting thing is how street smart they are. They really do look for cars, they can be on the side of the busiest street and they act like they totally know what they're doing. From what I've been told they are strictly outside dogs. I never see kids playing with them, or anyone petting them. They're all mongrels and share pretty much the same characteristics. I haven't seen any tell-tale pit bull traits. No blocky heads or beefy necks and shoulders. I'm told they do have pits here, but they're not very common and there is no dog fighting problem here.

Funny, I don't feel sorry for them. They don't appear to be neglected or abused. They are what they're meant to be I suppose. Dogs.

Sophie wouldn't last 30 seconds here. As soon as she found out she couldn't come inside or - Gasp! - sleep on the bed she'd immediately have a doggy-stroke.  I miss her.

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