Monday, August 30, 2010

Total Rookie Mistake

That day that we cut the grass was pretty warm and sunny. We all took our handy-dandy water bottles in their nice holders w/the shoulder straps that were given to us on our first day. Seriously, this is a great invention.

Later that afternoon I started to get a headache. I decided to lie down for a while before dinner. Within minutes I had one of the worst headaches of my life. An hour later I was shaking, sweating, and vomiting. This went on for about 4 hours.(You know I must have been in bad shape, I missed dinner.) Nothing helped, not Tylenol, anti-emetics, cold compresses. It sucked pretty bad. Finally I took a Benadryl, not sure why it might help but desperate for relief. I fell into a fitful sleep and woke up the next day feeling much better.

When I mentioned this to my group leader he told me I had suffered from a heat stroke and that I didn't drink enough water the previous day.

I can't believe I was that stupid. So let that be a lesson to you.

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